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What our users have to say...

Mehryar Nooriashfar
Senior Lecturer, University of Southern Queensland

“Multimedia cases will, in an effective manner, bridge the gap between theory (academic world) and practice (real world).”

Nicolene Barkhuizen
Professor, North West University
South Africa

“Cloud hosted. International collection. Simple case creation process. Video as opposed to paper. This make international collaboration very attractive.”

Gary Whittaker
Lecturer, McGill University
CEO (Retired), ACM Composites Inc.

“The cases are real and authentic. Students can see themselves starting these types of companies."

Shastri Ramnath
CEO, Orix Geoscience Inc.

“The value of multimedia cases is that they present issues common to many different industries but do so from different perspectives. As a business operator, these cases are ideal as they can help educate our team about alternatives and possible solutions for our current challenges.”

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