We're here to answer all your questions.
If I set up an account, will Casenet.ca save my personal information?
No. Casenet.ca does not collect or save personal information.
Is a Casenet.ca a company?
No. Casenet.ca is a brand and a url.
Are the companies featured in Casenet.ca cases real?
Yes. However, we have changed the names on a very few of the cases at the request of the interviewee.
Are the decisions featured in Casenet.ca real?
Yes. These are real decisions that were faced by the interviewee in each case.
Are Casenet.ca cases self-contained? In other words, can the answers for case be found in the Issues, Cause or Background clips?
No. Students or users are expected to seek out more information and possible alternatives about each case using other information sources.
Are the people (interviewees) features in casenet.ca cases real?
Yes. They are real.